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Sophos Connect Client silent MSI uninstall


we have installed Sophos Connect in different versions, e.g. in or or latest silently via MSI installers downloaded at

For some different reasons we need to uninstall the Sophos Connect Clients from some clients but uninstall strings like msiexec.exe /x {GUID} /qn do not work.

We are using software deployment tool Baramundi and when creating the install jobs by importing the Sophos Connect MSI files, Baramundi automatically creates the uninstall strings with the GUIDs. But the uninstall strings do not work.

For example, when typing one command manually and without /qn parameter, e.g. msiexec.exe /x {504A1EF6-9E65-40F7-8131-0F822486CB4B} for uninstalling version to see what happens, MSI starts and askes if you really want to uninstall, but after clicking Yes, it says, that this operation is only valid for products which are currently installed or so... I don't know the exact english error message, but in german it's the following:

Diese Aktion ist nur zulässig für Produkte, die im Augenblick installiert sind.

Seems that the MSI installer does not create the "normal" MSI entry in registry like other MSI installations do.

How can we uninstall the different Sophos Connect Clients silently via script? Maybe it's a simple thing and someone could tell us what to do.

Thanks in advance :-)

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  • The MSI packages Sophos provides aren't exactly the most robust I've found. I wouldn't be surprised if it's just not supported options.

    I've played with these options for some other software and found it's best to find the GUID just before running the uninstall. Have you checked the GUID is correct?

  • The MSI packages Sophos provides aren't exactly the most robust I've found. I wouldn't be surprised if it's just not supported options.

    I've played with these options for some other software and found it's best to find the GUID just before running the uninstall. Have you checked the GUID is correct?
