Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Is there no way to import FQDN's or IP addresses to an XG?

 I'm finding more and more situations where I need to allow a large range of IP addresses and FQDN's to our customer's Firewalls... 

Is there no way to import JSON, CSV or TXT IP or FQDN lists to either a v17 or v18 FW?

This is an extremely frustrating issue that frankly ALL other vendors support. It is seriously costing us and our clients who we support time and money. 

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  • Hey,

    you could also use the "Import" function at "Backup&Firmware" -> "Import/Export".
    Here you are able to import the definitions with an XML file.
    To get the syntax of the file itself you can export the host definitions: Select "IPHost" (or fqdnhost, fqdnhostgroup) and so on...

    Then you have to add your hosts in the entities.xml file and put it in a tar file again.
    When you upload the configuration the definitions are added.


  • I've tried this and everytime it tells me the API Upload Fails. I checked the XML, everything looks fine. I just appended to the end of the Entries.XML file that was contained within the exported TAR file, then added the new XML to a new TAR file.

  • Check the /log/apiparser.log to get the reason. 


  • I'm assuming that you also have to create the FQDN Host FIRST, before throwing it JUST in the FQDNGROUP XML, or will that create it automatically. It just seems redundant to have to edit BOTH XMLs. I could probably just do it faster via the GUI.

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