Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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L2TP VPN Multiple Connections Issue

 Due to a deployment issue we have with our MDM I can't leverage our normal SSL VPN config for a section of our users.

We are looking to leverage an L2TP VPN in the short term until we can resolve the certificate issue we are having with our MDM.


I have the L2TP VPN all setup and if 1 user is connected they work just fine. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc user that connects can only ping the gateway, they cannot reach anything internally or externally at that point. They do correctly get assigned an ipv4 address from the private pool.


Has anyone ran into this issue before? I tried some googling but everything talked about how there are issues if they are at the same public ip, but all of these users are at their own private residence.

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  • Not heard of that before.


    Enough Ips in the DHCP Pool for the L2TP?

    Firewall Rules - applying to all VPN Users?


    Are they all connecting with different credentials?



    Sounds weird - anything in the Authentication or VPN logs?

    Sophos XG 450 (SFOS 18.5.1 MR-1)

    Sophos R.E.D 50 x 2

    Always configuring new stuff.....

  • yeah the dhcp pool is a /24 and we just have 4 people testing right now.


    firewall rules are pointed at the VPN group the users are all a member of.


    Authentication is all local, they get connected successfully, didn't see anything else weird in there.


    The L2TP logs only show that 1 person connected, none of the rest which i found odd.

  • yeah the dhcp pool is a /24 and we just have 4 people testing right now.


    firewall rules are pointed at the VPN group the users are all a member of.


    Authentication is all local, they get connected successfully, didn't see anything else weird in there.


    The L2TP logs only show that 1 person connected, none of the rest which i found odd.

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