Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Exchange Online Relaying

Hey Guys,

how you are handling relaying with 365 EO? Until now we did use a Configuration described here: we had a Security Issue, a Spammer used the Network Range from EOP for Relaying Mails through our Firewall :( 

I did made a Test with a Demo Tenant und it took like 2 Minutes to use Routed Sophos Firewalls with an EO Connector...

Our Sophos Support (Distribution) told us we shoud create a Feature Request which seems crazy. I made a lot of research and I cannot find a way creating an authentificated Relay with EO. I assume the only possibility would be handling this with Headers but is there a possibility with a SG or XG?

I think many Partners are not aware of this issue and it seems also crazy that there is no Warning at this Knowledge Base Article..





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