Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Upgraded to XG18, now some firewall policies no longer work.

I just updated the firewall to the GA release of 18, now my VPN appears busted. I can see the rule allows the traffic in, but its blocking the traffic leaving.

2020-02-19 08:31:17Firewallmessageid="01001" log_type="Firewall" log_component="Invalid Traffic" log_subtype="Denied" status="Deny" con_duration="0" fw_rule_id="17" nat_rule_id="10" policy_type="1" user="bhawkins" user_group="Open Group" web_policy_id="0" ips_policy_id="0" appfilter_policy_id="0" app_name="Windows Remote Desktop" app_risk="3" app_technology="Client Server" app_category="Remote Access" vlan_id="0" ether_type="IPv4 (0x0800)" bridge_name="" bridge_display_name="" in_interface="" in_display_interface="" out_interface="" out_display_interface="" src_mac="" dst_mac="" src_ip="" src_country="R1" dst_ip="" dst_country="R1" protocol="TCP" src_port="3389" dst_port="54367" packets_sent="0" packets_received="0" bytes_sent="0" bytes_received="0" src_trans_ip="" src_trans_port="0" dst_trans_ip="" dst_trans_port="0" src_zone_type="" src_zone="" dst_zone_type="" dst_zone="" con_direction="" con_id="" virt_con_id="" hb_status="No Heartbeat" message="Invalid TCP state." appresolvedby="Signature" app_is_cloud="0"


The Rule 17 is an allow all from VPN to LAN. All of this worked in 17.9 I'm tempted to roll back as maybe there is an issue in the migration of firewall rules.

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Parents Reply Children
  • From the office is "Through XG"? 

    Or direct? 

    If you Enable a MASQ Rule as NAT between both, will it Work? 


  • Thanks that fixed it, changing SNAT from original to MASQ allowed everything to work through the VPN. After watching the new NAT How-To video I am planning on redoing all of my FW rules and NAT settings this weekend when no one is at the office. I think this new power will give me the final options I have always wanted in changing which public IP my subnets use.