Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Configuration of Nat

I have an application server on my LAN and wanted it to be reached from outside the network.

I have configured all the policies and added to firewall rules, yet still not reachable.

I want to know if there are things I have done that am not supposed to do or that I have not done and meant to do?

These are my configurations

Source zone....... WAN

Allowed client NETWORK..... ANY

Destination host/NETWORK.... Created an Alias with the server Lan IP address

Services.... I created a TCP port to access the server

Protected server .... The server lan IP address

Mapped PORT....... TCP created above

Protected zone..... LAN

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Parents Reply
  • Is the firewall enabled on the destination server? I will need to confirm this......

    Yes XG uses public ip and there is no other router?

    Aside from checking if the firewall is enabled on the router, I want to be sure if my configurations are correct.... I saw somewhere that in the destination host/network column, an Alias needs to be created which would be LAN IP address of the server while some said no alias rather it would be the WAN IP address of the interface.

    Also some said I check the recursive box and some ignored.

    Want to know the actual thing to do.
