Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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port forwarded packets getting denied

I have a pfSense box between sophos XG firewall and the internet because I wanted to use a VPN to have all traffic going through, I have the port forwarded in pfSense to the XG firewall however the XG firewall is denying the packet, which I didn't even know was reaching the firewall until I enabled the log in settings by sheer coincidence.


messageid="02002" log_type="Firewall" log_component="Appliance Access" log_subtype="Denied" status="Deny" con_duration="0" fw_rule_id="0" policy_type="0" user="" user_group="" web_policy_id="0" ips_policy_id="0" appfilter_policy_id="0" app_name="" app_risk="0" app_technology="" app_category="" in_interface="Port3" out_interface="" src_mac="00:50:56:b9:fb:3c" src_ip="" src_country="" dst_ip="" dst_country="" protocol="TCP" src_port="49209" dst_port="25810" packets_sent="0" packets_received="0" bytes_sent="0" bytes_received="0" src_trans_ip="" src_trans_port="0" dst_trans_ip="" dst_trans_port="0" src_zone_type="" src_zone="" dst_zone_type="" dst_zone="" con_direction="" con_id="" virt_con_id="" hb_status="No Heartbeat" message="" appresolvedby="Signature" app_is_cloud="0"


I've tried multiple ports but they are getting denied with similar messages before even getting to the firewall rule to allow them.

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Parents Reply
  • Hello and thanks for the reply. The rule isn't even being triggered since the packets are getting stopped here before the rule can be processed but if you still want me to post a picture of it or something I can. As for the packet capture I have it here, I did it on source ip rather than destination ip because using destination ip it would get to 1000 packets and then stop capturing in less than a second. 



    The forums wouldn't allow me to upload the pcap file so I used the site above.
