Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Issue with Source and Destination being switched in Reports

Hi everyone.

I'm currently experiencing the odd situation that in "Reports > Applications & web" - as well as the traffic summaries at the firewall rules, the "Source zones/countries" and "Destination zones/countries" are switched in regards to the origin and amount of ingress, resp. egress data.

Firewall rules all work as expected in regards to the direction traffic is going/filtered/forwarded and so are the entries in the "Log viewer".

In this example, I'm tracking the data for "Twitch Video Streaming" which should originate from WAN and go to LAN, but the report shows the opposite:

Similarly the source and destination countries are switched, with my internal LAN IP addresses shown as "Reserved" under "Source countries":

I have the suspicion that this is a result of how I switched the default LAN and WAN port assignments after installing Sophos XG Home on my Protectli FW4B - as the initial assignments were the opposite of the labels on the appliance (Sophos XG assigned WAN to the port labelled LAN and vice versa).

Now, while the firewall (running SFOS 17.5.9 MR-9) is still working and protecting my home network and devices as intended, I'm at a loss on how to fix this issue, as it renders reports odd to parse.

Thanks in advance for your support.

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