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License renewal and a leap year

I have just renewed my subscription for 12 months. The old subscription expired on the 20th January 2020 (or was valid up and until midnight on the 20/1/2020). When I activated the renewal, it was only valid until the 19th January 2021, i.e 21/1/2020 to 19/1/2021. This is a day short, according to my calculations; it should be 21/1/2020 to 20/1/2021. I suspect that because 2020 is a leap year, adding 365 days, rather than 366, is the cause. I have logged a case with Sophos support and I will report back here with the outcome. Meantime, if you are renewing in 2020, before the 29th February, for 12 months you may want to check the expiry date.

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  • Well, the latest response to the case is that the device subtracted a day because I activated the subscription a day late! I am gobsmacked by this response! Maybe it is a coincidence but I think the leap year has to be involved .. if it walks like a duck etc.

    Has anyone else renewed for 12 months since the being of 2020? I would be interested to see if it is just me!


  • Well, the latest response to the case is that the device subtracted a day because I activated the subscription a day late! I am gobsmacked by this response! Maybe it is a coincidence but I think the leap year has to be involved .. if it walks like a duck etc.

    Has anyone else renewed for 12 months since the being of 2020? I would be interested to see if it is just me!


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