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413 Request entity too large

In the WAF configuration If an user upload a file greater than 1 Mb receives the error 
Request body no files data length is larger than the configured limit - 413 Request entity too large


I found in the UTM you can modify the squid.conf-default, but I didn´t fine anythig about th XG.


Someone will know how to increase the Mb??

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  • I have the same problem. How can i update the psql DB as a temporary fix?

    EDIT: I found it and it works! Slight smile

    You also need to know the policy ID, so you would run:  psql -U nobody -d corporate -c "select * from tblwafsecurityprofile;"
    Look for the number at the beginning of the line listing your policy, in my case the ID I'm interested in is 7.
    Next you'd need to apply the change to the value in the sec_request_body_no_files_limit record. in my case I'm defining it to be 10MB and I'm telling the query to apply it to policy ID = 7
    psql -U nobody -d corporate -c "update tblwafsecurityprofile set sec_request_body_no_files_limit ="10485760" where id ="7";"
    Then finally you need to force the system to update the important files with:
    opcode waf_reconfig -t json -b '{"Entity": "waf_advanced_config", "Event": "UPDATE"}' -ds nosync
    This will rebuild the reverseporxy.conf and get the WAF up and running with the new larger limit.. 
    After this is done, If you make ANY changes to this policy in the GUI you will need to do the above process again because the default 1048576 value will be reinserted into the db and reverseproxy.conf bringing you back to the broken and unusable 413 issue.

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