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Synchronized User ID and username with domain name not working

I have my XG configured with AD authentication using SSO client. Everything works - each domain user gets what she/he is supose to get. Now when I try to use Synchronized User Id I cannot get it to work. What I see in authentication log is following:

- for SSO client - user name is sent as "samAcconuntName@domain name" which is properly matched to users imported from domain

- for Synchornized User Id - user name is sent as "samAccountName" and XG cannot find such user so authentication fails

My questions is following:

- can I force XG somehow to match "samAccountName" request to user "samAccountName@domain name"

- is there a way to force heartbeat to include domain name as well in packet



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  • After some research and reading access_server logs I found issue. In our AD env we are using multiple UPN prefixes for user authentication. When Endpoint is sending heartbeat message it is using UPN defined in AD account tab. If XG doesn't have this prefix configured under any AD server in field "domain name" request is rejected.

    My only complain is fact that in log viewer, XG is showing that user was received without any domain while actually reading acces server logs You can see which domain was attached to username in heartbeat message.


  • Hi Pawel,


    I have same problem: Heartbeat Authentication Failed because of wrong credentials. Your post is the only one that make sense with my tests..

    My configuration is: in Domain Name field on the XG Active directory server definition I've set my local domain (eg: contoso.local)

    Active directory authentication queries for Firewall and VPN are working and, on XG, all Users are created with SAMAccountname + @contoso.local extension (eg: UserA@contoso.local)

    Instead I see that Heartbeat authentication that send to AD SAMAccountname + UPN extention (eg: That is clear on access_server.log. This is the reason for fails.


    Now to solved I've to change the Domain Name field on the XG Active directory server definition to my UPN extentioin ( I've done a test about and results are:

    Heartbeat works but ALL VPN clinet connections fails! 


    LuCar Tony say: Already mentioned this early, we are using the SAMAccountname for User ID. XG is checking against the SAMAccountname and looking in AD for it. Not the UPN.


    I'm really confused and worried about.

    Someone have any Idea how to fix this problem and WHY ALL AUTHENTICATION ARE WORKING WITH SAMAccountname + @contoso.local AND ONLY HEARTBEAT NOT ????

  • my AD server domain name = domain.local


    BUT: as Microsoft Office 365 SSO configuration requirement my UPN is equal to SMTP and SIP. 


    • The userPrincipalName attribute must be in the Internet-style sign-in format where the user name is followed by the at sign (@) and a domain name: for example, All Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) addresses should comply with email messaging standards.

    In Office 365, the UPN is the default attribute that's used to generate the email address. It's easy to get userPrincipalName (in AD DS and in Azure AD) and the primary email address in proxyAddresses set to different values. When they are set to different values, there can be confusion for administrators and end users.

    It's best to align these attributes to reduce confusion. To meet the requirements of single sign-on with Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) 2.0, you need to ensure that the UPNs in Azure Active Directory and your AD DS match and are using a valid domain namespace.



    list another AD server with as domain name should be only workaround and in a large environment make only confusion.

  • Solution is really create one server for each public domain (UPN suffix).

    In my case customer has 1 DC and 5 UPNs.

    Ex. customer has mycompany.prv FQDN domain and company for NetBios Name. Of365 Domains are;,

    I created DNS CNAME:

    mycompany.mycompany.prv -> DC Name

    yourcompany.mycompany.prv -> DC Name

    dontcare.mycompany.prv -> DC Name


    Than inside XG you create your servers as many as your UPNs


  • Because XG is looking for the "correct" AD Server depending on the Domain Name.

    Basically you can authenticate vs XG with a username like "Bob".

    If you have multiple Domains, XG will attach each Domain and try to authenticate each AD Server with this username.

    For example: and

    If you have two DCs configured in XG, the authentication server will try and 

    That is the "multi Domain Support" within XG.


  • This is nonsense, hence the same user who authenticates both for VPN and Navigation purposes would be saved as two different unlinked objects.

    and then if the user logs into UserPortal and downloads configuration files for the VPN, which domain will be used? one randomly picked up?

  • XG uses SAM accounts and this isn't unique (NT Style...).

    Dan.john could exist in 2 differents domains.

    While UserPrincipalName is unique


    Ste said:
    and then if the user logs into UserPortal and downloads configuration files for the VPN, which domain will be used? one randomly picked up?

    This is a good question.

    I think it makes a query to all auth servers, by XG's servers order.

  • In XG, user are unique. Do you have bob as user name, and bob exists in two different ADs, there will be two different bobs in XG (with different UPNs).

    So basically, XG uses this mechanism, if you do not give a UPN with the authentication (bob and not 

    And this mechanism is used in case of Sync-Sec User ID. XG is looking for the UPN defined Server, if this is not existing, the authentication will fail. 


    User Portal is quite interesting. User Portal Authentication is placed with the firewall authentication. All mechanism, used by XG firewall like STAS, Sync-sec User ID etc. is used to create the user in context of existing. 



    This works across all facilities in XG with AD. 


    To warp up: 

    You are giving XG only the username, it will try this query with all AD Servers, configured until one will allow this request. 

    You are giving XG UPN (username + domain), it will try only the matching AD server in XG. 


  • Hi LuCar,


    will this limitation be fixed on the XG V18 ?


    Thank you

  • Thanks alot ,



    yesterday I added Azure to a customer (due to teams).
    As a result, we had to move his UPN from customer.local to
    The result was that authentication via Heartbeat no longer worked. Thanks to your advice, I was able to get the authentication up and running again.

    However, this topic should be taken seriously, don't think there are few customers with similar situations. So that a more intuitive implementation in the XG is possible in the near future.

    Sincerely yours

  • More and more customers are actively moving from .local to .something domains, which is nice. But you need to consider the fact, that XG will re authenticate all user at this time. So all users will be create "again". Simply because for XG this is a new user. (Which is as design "normal"). Maybe for the future, some work should be done in trying to figure out, if the user has a .local and .com domain and is the same user, but as far as i understand, thats not an easy task and maybe obsolete for the future, if customers migrate to Azure AD.


  • Hi,

    I came across this thread.

    We have stas connected in our domain.

    we use ourdomain.local for the sam account

    for the upn we us

    so we can't use the haertbeat option.

    I have created in our local DNS zone a

    When I try to add this server in the authentication server it doesn't connect.

    What am I doing worng?



  • Hi,

    I came across this thread.

    We have stas connected in our domain.

    we use ourdomain.local for the sam account

    for the upn we us

    so we can't use the haertbeat option.

    I have created in our local DNS zone a

    When I try to add this server in the authentication server it doesn't connect.

    What am I doing worng?


