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Synchronized User ID and username with domain name not working

I have my XG configured with AD authentication using SSO client. Everything works - each domain user gets what she/he is supose to get. Now when I try to use Synchronized User Id I cannot get it to work. What I see in authentication log is following:

- for SSO client - user name is sent as "samAcconuntName@domain name" which is properly matched to users imported from domain

- for Synchornized User Id - user name is sent as "samAccountName" and XG cannot find such user so authentication fails

My questions is following:

- can I force XG somehow to match "samAccountName" request to user "samAccountName@domain name"

- is there a way to force heartbeat to include domain name as well in packet



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  • Hello Pawel,

    I have similar issue.

    I posted this also to another thread yesterday:

    I am using XG v17.5 with Intercept-X EAP and I have setup heartbeat, but it is acting a little bit strange.

    First of all, when I log into my computer with credentials DOMAIN\username, the heartbeat authentication doesn't work at all and in XG authentication logs I can see "username" failed to login because of wrong credentials. There is no mention of DOMAIN anywhere in that log.


    When I log into computer with credentials username@domain, heartbeat authetication works, at least for the first 30 minutes (the credentials in logs are also in format username@domain). Everytime after 30 minutes after the first login the heartbeat fails and in the logs I see credentials just stating "username" with no domain failed to login because of wrong credentials. This also happen when I disconnect/reconnect the computer from the network.

  • Thanks - it looks like it is eaxactly same issue - I am not sure if this is Endpoint issue or something that can be fixed on XG level 

  • Yes, exactly same. I also opened a web support query in mid December but after few exchanged e-mails I didn't get any further reply from the support team. But I think this is an Endpoint issue.

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