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XG Firewall - Roadmap?


is there a roadmap for the XGs for the next major versions and the planned functions?


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  • Bumping this thread.

    Logs are helpless.  Would be nice we had something that compares to Checkpoint ...

    STAS needs a complete remelting.  And by the way, why not having A SINGLE CLIENT FOR ALL SOPHOS PRODUCTS AND APPLIANCES ?  Instead of going tru all those ports, registry keys, et.c. non-sense setups ?

    XG as an NTP is a basic requirement.  Should have been done long ago.

    Full features DHCP.  At least we could point desktops to 2 or 3 trustable NTPs.  Pooled NTP web site is such a non sens to me.

    And so on.  We are in August soon.  XG is still at version v17.  According to last year schedule, we should already be v18 ...

  • +1 for STAS remelt - most of my pain comes from STAS and clients working then not working for no reason.

    Biggest time waster on the XG and I have it set up correctly.

    Also use RADIUS SSO for my wireless devices (iOS devices) and its so hit and miss as to if it will authenticate or not.


    I always hope the next version has fixes but seems STAS is here to stay....

    Sophos XG 450 (SFOS 18.5.1 MR-1)

    Sophos R.E.D 50 x 2

    Always configuring new stuff.....

  • +1 for STAS remelt - most of my pain comes from STAS and clients working then not working for no reason.

    Biggest time waster on the XG and I have it set up correctly.

    Also use RADIUS SSO for my wireless devices (iOS devices) and its so hit and miss as to if it will authenticate or not.


    I always hope the next version has fixes but seems STAS is here to stay....

    Sophos XG 450 (SFOS 18.5.1 MR-1)

    Sophos R.E.D 50 x 2

    Always configuring new stuff.....
