when i start the "step2_convert_pkcs12.bat" it ends with an error. It can´t find the ApnsPrivateKey.key but data is there.
What can i do?
Do I something wrong?
That´s the content of the "step2_convert_pkcs12.bat "
ECHO Create APNs certificate for MDM (Step 2)
openssl x509 -inform der -in aps_production_identity.cer -out aps_production_identity.pemopenssl pkcs12 -export -inkey APNsPrivateKey.key -in aps_production_identity.pem -out mdm_apns_certificate.pkcs12type APNsPrivateKey.key aps_production_identity.pem > aps_production_proxy.pem
ECHO Remember the password for the file. You will need it later.ECHO APNs certificate generated. Please log in to MDM and upload it for your customer.pause
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