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Sophos Mobile Control

A coworker spotted an article referring to this announcement. Right at the top Sophos Mobile Control is described as an extension to [Sophos'] data protection and endpoint security product lines. Makes me wonder when details will be available as GA is propsed for Q2 2011? Especially how it integrates with the two products lines (ESDP and SafeGuard).



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  • Hi Christian,

    Details are available starting this week, as we currently presented the solution at the RSA conference in California. External facing information will become available step by step starting in March.

    In the initial release, it does integrate with neither of the products, but integrations are planned with the next releases.

    If you need more details, please don't hesitate to contact me directly


  • Where can I get more information regarding Sophos Mobile Control and if it is included in the package our company recently purchased?

    This is something we are very interested in but I cannot seem to find any more information regarding this product beyond the initial release notes described by the OP.

  • Hello Rick,

    your sales rep should already have more information including a price quote - initially it is a stand alone product and likely not (yet) included in any package.

    Basically it leverages the built in features for monitoring and setting the configuration, securing the device (lock and wipe) and encryption. 


  • Now that Sophos Mobile Control ver 1.1 is out, where will it fit in to the forums?


  • Hi Bob,

    The short answer to your question is ... here :smileyhappy:. Thanks for showing interest in having a dedicated Mobile forum in SophosTalk. I hope you'll find it interesting and informative.


