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android enterprise Wi-Fi policy with CA certificate and phone mac


we have problems to get wifi working when deploying via policy. if set manually (with settings below) it works.

reasons for not working we suppose could be ca certificate and mac used to connect. we have to use private ca certificate and phone mac to get it working.

we deployed ca certificate as root certificate and selected it in wifi policy, but i'm not sure if this is used. because when try to add wifi manually on the phone it's not selectable. it's only selectable if installed manually as wifi certificate on the phone. this seems not to be possible via policy?

second point: i'm not sure which mac is used in case wifi is set via policy?

is there a log where we can see reason why wifi is not set?
in client trace log we cannot see reason.

our test case:
Model Samsung Galaxy M33 5G
Operating system Android 13
management mode: Android Enterprise (Managed Google Play Account scenario)

central mobile

could you please help. thank you.

Kind regards

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