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Publish windows app msi on sophos central mobile

I am trying to deploy the MSI with Sophos Central Mobile to Windows 10. The device is enrolled to our account. When we try to deploy the Windows app it shows the message "Completely Failed" or alert "Install app failed". This is the parameters configured.


Name: Topia_CMD_Setup_x64

Version: 4.0.87

ProductCode GUID: 0EDF19D0-7D0D-4CC6-8703-1E3DC2B6DE92

App Category: Utilities

Description: Instalacion de agente Topia Vicarius

SHA-256 file Hash: 44cdf3590e04774c43e8f0cf6041f24535b2f65bb007ae2e1e0c95b0fd728ce8

Installaition options: msiexec /i Topia_CMD_Setup_x64.msi /qb SecretKey=htfEn3tGZRwszzgmG9Q0yRwFF1Dp0BJMzPKQec1C0OcOjbd70ka36ExwMKhMnrXvVeWlvYQ6JKHhsHvcEARYjqMGjXgx7YeKZsJOxdqer9xVV3YOEudm0sXFig0HPRc4NiBD5F5751WOZXCmvtdqN0ePjGRyTCoxG9DSGrcpSmIgNpSO3KJ2eUHugI7k6J5AQN9Rp5qxKot6S3LfaIUfId1X00989gMe1FPnjufUY0J7 AgentType=LocalAgent

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Parents Reply
  • Hi, As you see above the link have secretkey for enroll the device in our vicarius console. 

    How i can create the app for windows on mobile with the information required to work. Do i need to create or use another web for the purpose of download the MSI? or its possible to use this as the product specified? 

    1. Configure the MSI installation execution using the following command:
        1. Windows 64bit MSI: 
          msiexec /i Topia_CMD_Setup_x64.msi /qb SecretKey=<<SECRET_KEY>>  Hostname=<<HOSTNAME>>/vicarius-endpoint-api AgentType=LocalAgent
        2. Windows 32bit MSI:
          msiexec /i Topia_CMD_Setup_x86.msi /qb SecretKey=<<SECRET_KEY>>  Hostname=<<HOSTNAME>>/vicarius-endpoint-api AgentType=LocalAgent 
  • Try checking the following log location in the Windows Event Viewer.
    - Application and Services Logs > Microsoft > Windows > DeviceManagement-Enterprise-Diagnostics-Provider > Admin

    In there, you will find any installation failures that are logged. While testing, I was able to get an installation of Zoom to complete successfully by only populating the following into the "Installation Options" field. 
    - /qn

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
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