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Switch between accounts in Android Play Store

Good day,

Is it possible to switch between two Gmail-Accounts in the Play Store please? The devices I am talking about are enrolled as full so it is not a container. 

The devices have an account that is added automatically after enrolling using "afw#sophos" and another normal Gmail-Account. 

I did see this artikle but it did not help:

I cannot see the another account that I have already added. 

Kind regards,


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  • Hi Ibrahim,

    Thanks for reaching out to the Sophos Community Forum. 

    You can find out more about Android Enterprise and Managed Google Play accounts in the following article. When browsing for documentation regarding this, I suggest looking for the articles relevant to Android Enterprise specifically, as the general documentation will not apply.

    it is not possible to utilize a personal Google account with Android Enterprise unless you are using the "Work Profile" enrollment method. When using the Full Device management mode, the device is owned and managed by the organization.

    If you have a Google Domain, it may be possible to assign users within your domain to devices, however, this still does not allow a personal google account to be used with the Google Play store on a managed device.

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
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  • Good day!

    Thank you very much for your answer. I want to make it possible for the employees to install their private Apps and some of these Apps are paid! There is no way that they install these paid stuff from play store with their own IDs and own money at all if the device is in the Full Device management mode? Why is that not possible? Did Google disable this feature or Sophos? 

    Many thanks


  • Good day!

    Thank you very much for your answer. I want to make it possible for the employees to install their private Apps and some of these Apps are paid! There is no way that they install these paid stuff from play store with their own IDs and own money at all if the device is in the Full Device management mode? Why is that not possible? Did Google disable this feature or Sophos? 

    Many thanks

