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Server error 500 when trying to create fully managed device


I encounter the error Server Error 500 when trying to create a fully managed device on Android. This only occurs on phones that have had security software on them previously. The process works fine on new devices and I have completed it successfully a number of times.

I have removed the security software from the devices that use to have it, which cause a factory reset. I then scan the QR code I have created on the Sophos Central console and progress up until I have to sign in with a self service account. After inputting the username and password, the error occurs. Any ideas for a fix?

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  • do you have access to the source code as a git repo or something? if not, maybe the best and fastest way to find something out is to set Debug=True in your settings file. then you see what is causing the server error. if you have access to the repo or create one on the server, you can do the same thing locally and see if maybe something other than the changing certificate is the problem.

  • do you have access to the source code as a git repo or something? if not, maybe the best and fastest way to find something out is to set Debug=True in your settings file. then you see what is causing the server error. if you have access to the repo or create one on the server, you can do the same thing locally and see if maybe something other than the changing certificate is the problem.
