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Sophos MDM for IPads - Re-assigning IPADS to another user

Hello Boys and Girls!

I am new to the Sophos MDM.. How does the process of re-assigning device work? Currently I have an assigned user on my test IPAD with Outlooks and other APPS

configured for the specific user. If that user leaves and I want to re-assign the IPAD. I login to the portal and re-assign the IPAD I get that part. However all the settings

of the previous user is still there including the apple ID . I am lost on this process. Can someone clarify this for me please...

I want X user once they leave the company I can remove profile in the IPAD and re-assign to another user with their own profile

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  • You can configure iPhones and iPads to auto-enroll with Sophos Mobile  allowing users to enroll devices on their own and carry out other tasks without  To do so, you use Apple Configurator 2 to assign devices to the Sophos Mobile MDM server.  During setup, the devices are automatically enrolled with Sophos Mobile.

  • Hey Anthony..

    thanks for the response. What I am not clear is when user X leaves the company that user turns in their IPAD to their Manager. The Manager gives the IPAD to new employee Y. That IPAD would still have all the user X data including apple ID . Re-Assigning the device to a new user via the link that Shweta provided will remove the existing apple ID???  This is the part I'm confuse

  • Hey Anthony..

    thanks for the response. What I am not clear is when user X leaves the company that user turns in their IPAD to their Manager. The Manager gives the IPAD to new employee Y. That IPAD would still have all the user X data including apple ID . Re-Assigning the device to a new user via the link that Shweta provided will remove the existing apple ID???  This is the part I'm confuse

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