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Mal/Dropper-O - App from Windows App Store


We are having issues with Sophos and it detecting an application downloaded from the Windows App Store. We would like to know why this is happening.

The application is called Complete Anatomy developed by 3D4Medical. We have submitted the .exe file that's causing the issue (twice) and have yet to receive a response.

Could you please explain to us what this threat means and how can we rectify it to be compatible with Sophos products?


Please see the screenshot below.

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Parents Reply
  • I just took a screen shot for you and realised that there is a number different in the file path of the alert and the current location.  My folder is now named _3.4.2.0 and not _3.4.1.0 as shown in the Sophos alert, so I assume the app had an update since this detection, hence virustotal not detecting it the same.  I will click Ignore to clear the alert.

    Thanks for your quick reply.

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