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Site I use daily was suddenly blocked

I have used Sophos as my AV software for quite some time and throughout I have been allowed access to SkySports with only a warning when I entered the betting area. Then today was blocked. I guessed this was because it contains a link to SkyBet a gambling site.

I set Sophos Home to allow gambling sites but immediately starting receiving emails notifying PUPs.

I reset to block gambling sites and set to be allowed as an exception but the emails kept coming - incidentally these PUPs have no gambling content.

I am baffled and would appreciate advice regarding what caused this site blockage without any settings change and, more importantly how do I stop the numerous email notifications(I had never before had any such notifications; Sophos just quietly did its job of deleting them in the background!)

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  • Hi Paul,

    I was still looking into this and haven't made any changes either. My only theory at the moment was that the had an advert being displayed on it that was located on a different url and it was because of that we were blocking the page for you. however to be honest i'm not 100% convinced that would be the case.

    At least it seems to have fixed itself now.

  • Hi PeterM,

    Isn't it disturbing that, with increasing frequency, IT issues arise and disappear without apparent human intervention?

    Anyway, as you say, the problem is fixed. Thanks for your support and trying for an explanation.
