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Is Sophos Home can protect my PC from Petya ransomware attack?

Last night I am watching TV then a news comes from a new channel, Petya ransomware cyber attack is on the way which can infect and damage your system. This Petya attack can block your server and hack your personal data from the server. So my question is Can Sophos antivirus help me to protect my PC and server from Petya attack. The Bitdefender Security reports that as many as 70% of the systems infected by the Petya cyber attack. Petya ransomware is so powerful and many of peoples are hit by Petya attack. The Bitdefender Security Antivirus takes full guaranty to protect my devices from all kinds of ransomware attacks.

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Parents Reply
  • I'm not sure I understand your last comment.


    Sophos Home is the completely free product

    Sophos Home Premium is the same basic product but with additional advanced security features. This Premium product is currently in Beta testing and as such we are offering it for free for 1 year. I can't confirm what it will cost after that as it hasn't been decided yet.

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