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ghosthook malware detection with interceptX or home beta

Hi all,

Since I cannot find anything on the Sophos support site on Ghosthook malware (which apparently is able to bypass the kernel-protection in Windows 10) I thought I'd ask here :).

Anyone seen this malware in the wild yet? What does InterceptX (or its sibling in Sophos Home Premium Beta) do with Ghosthook in regard to detection and prevention?


TIA, regds, mythiq.

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  • Hi Mythiq,

    We are looking into this at the moment. However with the information only being published yesterday it is very unlikely there would be examples of this being used in the wild at the moment. Also just because a vulnerability has been discovered the complexity of some means that they aren't ever actually used. 

    When we know more I will update this post.

    For reference here is the GhostHook article:

  • Hi Mythiq,

    We are looking into this at the moment. However with the information only being published yesterday it is very unlikely there would be examples of this being used in the wild at the moment. Also just because a vulnerability has been discovered the complexity of some means that they aren't ever actually used. 

    When we know more I will update this post.

    For reference here is the GhostHook article:

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