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Current Sophos Anti Virus Definition detects new Security Advisory 4025685 vulnerabilities


Microsoft has relased a new Security Advisory 4025685 - June 2017 security update release.


Below is the link:

I want to know that whether Sophos AV engine has released latest AV definition for mentioned below Bulletin or CVE-IDs, if yes what are the definitions number for the following:


1) MS08-067

2) MS09-050

3) MS10-061

4) MS14-068

5) MS17-013

6) CVE-2017-0222

7) CVE-2017-0267 

8) CVE-2017-0280

9) CVE-2017-7269

10) CVE-2017-8461

11) CVE-2017-8464

12) CVE-2017-8487

13) CVE-2017-8543

14) CVE-2017-8552

Please respond as early as possible because there are some critical businees running in some systems which has Sophos as an AV engine in it.




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  • Hello Vishek,

    Our protection in Sophos Anti-Virus doesn't work like that. A vulnerability needs to be patched to fix it, which is why MS has released these patches. We suggest you apply all of these as soon as possible.

    What Sophos Anti-Virus does is detect malware that is known to use these vulnerabilities. Most of these new vulnerabilities have come to light because of information released by a group known as "The Shadow Brokers". This information was released several months ago and Sophos has been working to ensure we have protection for the malware included. For example some of the vulnerabilities patched by this release are used by malware tools with the names of EsteemAudit, ExplodingCan, and EnglishmanDentist. All of these and more we have already released protection for.

    As I said to ensure you are protected please follow the Microsoft advice and patch these vulnerabilities.