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Removing Mal-Phish A from MacBook Pro running OS X 10.11.6

Sophos detected Mal-Phish A in an email attachment currently on a time capsule backup.

How do I remove it?

David-Laxers-MacBook-Pro:2 davidlaxer$ pwd
/Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb/David Laxer’s MacBook Pro/2016-05-05-080928/Macintosh HD/Users/davidlaxer/Library/Mail/V3/
David-Laxers-MacBook-Pro:2 davidlaxer$ ls -l
total 80
-rw-r--r--@ 1 davidlaxer  staff  38437 Nov  4  2015 2,,7_092--AmExCiVS_579,30.html
David-Laxers-MacBook-Pro:2 davidlaxer$ sudo rm 2,,7_092--AmExCiVS_579,30.html
override rw-r--r--  davidlaxer/staff for 2,,7_092--AmExCiVS_579,30.html? yes
rm: 2,,7_092--AmExCiVS_579,30.html: Operation not permitted
David-Laxers-MacBook-Pro:2 davidlaxer$

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