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[New Malware] UIWIX is not WannaCry

Any news for this new threat?


Contrary to recent news citing UIWIX as WannaCry’s new—even evolved—version, our ongoing analysis indicates it’s a new family that uses the same Server Message Block (SMB) vulnerabilities (MS17-010, code named EternalBlue upon its public disclosure by Shadow Brokers) that WannaCry exploits to infect systems, propagate within networks and scan the internet to infect more victims.

So how is UIWIX different? It appears to be fileless: UIWIX is executed in memory after exploiting EternalBlue. Fileless infections don’t entail writing actual files/components to the computer’s disks, which greatly reduces its footprint and in turn makes detection trickier.

UIWIX is also stealthier, opting to terminate itself if it detects the presence of a virtual machine (VM) or sandbox. Based on UIWIX’s code strings, it appears to have routines capable of gathering the infected system’s browser login, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), email, and messenger credentials.



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Best regards,

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