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How do I remove the SPORA Ransomeware?

Although I have both Sophos and Malwarebytes, the SPORA Ransomware made it into my Windows notebook.  Is there an easy way to get rid of it?  HELP!

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  • Hi Hilarion,


    Most ransomware after it has done it's damage will actually delete itself from your machine, leaving only your encrypted files and the ransom notes. 


    Can you provide more detail on what you are seeing please? 

    Sophos have had protection against this ransomware before it existed as our CryptoGuard product stops it automatically, we have also released several other detections for this (CXmail/JSDl-O, Troj/HTADrp-I, JS/Drop-KI, Troj/Ransom-ECL).

    Which Sophos product are you using?