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Nick’s iMac Manual cleanup required: 'VBS/Sasan-Fam' at '/Volumes/NO NAME/jargon.vbs' FEB 3, 2017 8:20 PM

Nick’s iMac Manual cleanup required: 'VBS/Sasan-Fam' at '/Volumes/NO NAME/jargon.vbs' FEB 3, 2017 8:20 PM..... But I cannot find this file/threat on my iMac?  Where is it? Please help.

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  • Hey Nick.

    It's likely the file was locked when we tried to clean it, thus the notification you saw. Once the file was unlocked, we likely cleaned it up thus it no longer being present when you went looking for it.

    .vbs is simply a malicious Visual Basic script so there shouldn't be too much concern.

  • Hey Nick.

    It's likely the file was locked when we tried to clean it, thus the notification you saw. Once the file was unlocked, we likely cleaned it up thus it no longer being present when you went looking for it.

    .vbs is simply a malicious Visual Basic script so there shouldn't be too much concern.

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