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GoldenEye - Ransomware

 We are bit concern with the new variant of the GoldenEye Ransomware making rounds, we were wondering if Sophos  is able to prevent or detect the particular RansomWare ? We searched in Sophos blogs and website, we did find an article related to how the ransomware works, but were not able to confirm whether the new variant is detected. If Sophos is able to detect this, what name it is detected.

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  • Hi Amol,


    I have just heard back from our SophosLabs threat researchers and they confirmed there are some new variants of GoldenEye but our existing protection picks them up automatically.


    If you have sample files you want us to look at that, please use the Support contact page and we can analyze them for you.

  • Hi Amol,


    I have just heard back from our SophosLabs threat researchers and they confirmed there are some new variants of GoldenEye but our existing protection picks them up automatically.


    If you have sample files you want us to look at that, please use the Support contact page and we can analyze them for you.

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