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RansomWare- airacropencrypted!

Just heard one of our community business hit by "airacropencrypted!" very badly.  We were wondering if Sophos Intercept X is able to prevent the particular RansomWare ? We searched in Sophos blogs and website but was not able to find out any details yet. 

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  • Hello,


    The .airacropencrypted! ransomware isn't a very common one which is why there aren't many post on it, however we have seen it before and yes it was stopped by Intercept X as well as traditional Endpoint products. Depending on the infection vector it could also be stopped by our email protection products.


    However without samples of the exact variant the company was hit by we can't say for certain. If they are a Sophos customer please ask them to contact Support if they need assistance.


    Regards, Peter.

  • Thanks Peter. We will update here if any further details available. 

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