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Sandstorm says 'Excluded by Policy' - Can you explain?

What exactly is this telling me... AND

Is there a way to see what policy is excluding the files?  Is it oversize files?  User Exclusion? Just didnt fit sandstorm inspection parameters?  

Trying to understand Sandstorm but the documentation is sketchy at best.  Hard to purchase a subscription when you dont even understand the parameters of the product other than sales fluff..



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  • Thanks for the reply...

    It looks like my UTM and sandstorm is processing emails and sending them... I now have 2 suspicious emails sent and shown as clean... but now I have 45 suspicious files shown on WEB and 45 WEB files 'Excluded by Policy'....

    Thats my original question... what files.. why excluded?  I want to correct my policies if necessary but dont know how to find the data....
