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We have a user hit with the Trojan Goznym.

Sophos End point did not catch it, and Malwarebytes diud not totally remove it.

We installed IBM Truster, and it blocked it but how do we remove it.

On a side note, why can Sophos catch this? As this is a keyboard logger for banking sites.



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  • Hello Carl,

    Sorry for the very late reply to your question. I assume you have now resolved the issue but just wanted to confirm if you have a sample file that you believe is malicious and isn't currently being detected then please send it to with what information you know about this file and we will investigate it for you.


  • Hello Carl,

    Sorry for the very late reply to your question. I assume you have now resolved the issue but just wanted to confirm if you have a sample file that you believe is malicious and isn't currently being detected then please send it to with what information you know about this file and we will investigate it for you.


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