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hackers email

I have an email using one of my passwords saying that between 5th July and 21st September they infected me with a virus and have access to my contacts. It is  demanding payment of 700 bitcoins by 1700 hours  today or else . I have not opened any links . Any suggestions on what i should do ?


Brian R

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  • Sounds like your email or one of the websites you have an account has been compromised. I suggest you change all your passwords. It is possible but unlikely they have actually infected your computer but make sure you are using AV software and have run a full scan.

    I wouldn't reply to the email.

    Also for reference 700 Bitcoins is about $4.5 million.

  • Sounds like your email or one of the websites you have an account has been compromised. I suggest you change all your passwords. It is possible but unlikely they have actually infected your computer but make sure you are using AV software and have run a full scan.

    I wouldn't reply to the email.

    Also for reference 700 Bitcoins is about $4.5 million.

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