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Error message: A new USB device with keyboard functionality has been connected


Sophos is giving me the following message:

"A new USB device with keyboard functionality has been connected:

USB Receiver

Malicious USB devices may pose as a keyboard to install malicious software and enable an attacker to remotely take control of your computer.

Click on block if you did not connect a keyboard to this computer or do not recognize this USB device"

The message consistently appears on startup and sometimes also while I am using the computer. I have always clicked block since I haven't connected a keyboard or USB device to my computer. 

Could someone please let me know how to solve this problem?

Many thanks already in advance!

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  • Dear all,

    had the same problem since 21. March.

    When click on Block, Windows 10 crashes!

    Haven’t clicked Allow, only Block!

    The device code matches my Logitech wireless mouse, the receiver is always plugged in.

    Same to the second notebook at the almost same time!

    Any updates from sophos to this issue?

    Kind regards,


  • Hi,

    I asked help from Sophos support chat. They said that Sophos Home has automatically given me a premium trial access for a month. I actually have a wireless mouse plugged in but since I have been using Sophos (not Premium) already for about a year, I didn't understand that my own mouse could be the reason for the message. The support said that I can just click allow. To be certain, I unplugged my mouse when I restarted. Since the message didn't come up, I know that by clicking "allow" I will only allow the mouse I am using. After clicking "allow" everything has gone smoothly.


    T. Maria

  • Hi,

    I asked help from Sophos support chat. They said that Sophos Home has automatically given me a premium trial access for a month. I actually have a wireless mouse plugged in but since I have been using Sophos (not Premium) already for about a year, I didn't understand that my own mouse could be the reason for the message. The support said that I can just click allow. To be certain, I unplugged my mouse when I restarted. Since the message didn't come up, I know that by clicking "allow" I will only allow the mouse I am using. After clicking "allow" everything has gone smoothly.


    T. Maria

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