Sophos Email customers using IP-based mailflow rule connectors must migrate to certificate-based configuration by March 31st. To see if you're affected Click Here.

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Mailboxes with the highest number of emails sent.

How can I determine when an account or mailbox is sending mass emails and how to stop or ask a user account to do this again? I look in the Sophos Email menu in Sophos Central, but I can't find anything useful.

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  • Mass email? Look in Sophos reports, server logs, ask users. Stop it: Limit sending, block tools, disable accounts if needed. Talk to them: Explain policies, offer training. Be clear, consistent, proactive!

    Freelance SEO Specialist

  • Mass email? Look in Sophos reports, server logs, ask users. Stop it: Limit sending, block tools, disable accounts if needed. Talk to them: Explain policies, offer training. Be clear, consistent, proactive!

    Freelance SEO Specialist
