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Sophos Email customers using IP-based mailflow rule connectors must migrate to certificate-based configuration by March 31st. To see if you're affected Click Here.

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Hello Sophos Email Community

So who am I? i am Tom Foucha, Sr. Director of Product Management - MSG for Sophos. I joined the company just a month ago to lead our Email and Phish Threat team. I spent the last 14 years as part of the IronPort leadership team at Cisco and am excited to be here.

I do keep an eye on public forums and while I would like to respond directly to every single request, often I'm not able to, but rest assured I need your help and feedback. Feedback includes what's working, what's not working and where you believe we can improve. Please know that I've already developed a list of my own of improvements that we are planning, giving you the ability to be more granular in many different areas. Looking at providing advanced message handling capabilities like header inspection, header modification, smtp routing enhancements and many other mature configurations for those customers who need more control.

Thank you for this community of users, i've learned much just browsing your posts and stay tuned, we have some EXCITING!! things happening in 2022 for Sophos Central Email.

Happy New Year


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