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Sudden increase in quarantine of valid emails 8 April 2020

Yesterday morning all the users in our company (80+) were greeted with a Quarantine email listing far larger than normal--dozens of emails in many cases. The quarantined emails were from addresses that we've been getting mail from with no problem for months or even years. This was an instant change. We did not change any settings. It's really setting back operations as people are missing emails all day and then have to go release them the next day (or they could try to remember to keep checking their quarantine all day--not acceptable).

Has anyone else experienced? This change would have happened sometime Wednesday, 8 April 2020, and started showing in in force Thursday, 9 April. Possible it started Tuesday night but we did not see the big jump in false positives until Thursday morning's email report.


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[edited by: Raphael Alganes at 2:29 AM (GMT -7) on 8 Jun 2023]
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  • Yes, would have been nice to know that BEFORE it was rolled out. Article says "will be" rolling out. In the mean time, while I appreciate the focus on BULK email, we are getting tons of phishing attacks that go right through, not flagged even as BULK. We have been hacked several times through those--that should be the priority to stop.