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Sophos Central Email Number of Users

If my domain has 100 email user accounts and I want to only protect 50 email user accounts, is it possible to only buy license for 50 users and select the accounts that should be protected and the other 50 user accounts will receive their emails normally without filtering?

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[edited by: Raphael Alganes at 9:02 AM (GMT -7) on 12 May 2023]
  • __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • I checked the KB link but I couldn't find a clear answer

    If I purchase license for 50 users can I choose which users will be protected and which users to pass all their email through without inspection.

  • Central will only accept User with a Email Address.

    Hence all User in Central will be counted into the license.

    If you change your MX to Central, Central will decline all mails without a mailbox created in Central and only accept the created mailboxes.


    Each User will be count, even if you have no protection activated. 


  • Not impressed :-(


    So I have 100 Users in central, and somewhat only 50 of them use external mail, then customer has to pay for 100 users?!?


    Best regards

    Sophos XGS 2100 @ Home | Sophos v20 Technician

  • It depends. 

    Central will track only "active" Accounts, so basically if "no Email" arrives, the license will not be count. 

    But if there is any mail traffic no matter what content going over Central, we will track this license and the customer has to have a subscription for those users. 



  • Okay, thanks for this.

    What about shared mailboxes, they also consume a license, have troubles finding this out.

    Distribution group does not i recon.


    Best regards

    Sophos XGS 2100 @ Home | Sophos v20 Technician

  • Shared Mailboxes are kinda difficult right now.

    Because Shared Mailboxes are (disabled) "User" in AD context, we have to count them in Central as well. 

    I know, shared mailboxes are none licensable units in Exchange, but we have to count them in the current stage.

    • Shared mailboxes are licensable units.

    In fact, you cannot import shared mailboxes right now via AD sync, so you have to use CSV and they will be created as a User in Central. 




  • Shared Mailboxes are kinda difficult right now.

    Because Shared Mailboxes are (disabled) "User" in AD context, we have to count them in Central as well. 

    I know, shared mailboxes are none licensable units in Exchange, but we have to count them in the current stage.

    • Shared mailboxes are licensable units.

    In fact, you cannot import shared mailboxes right now via AD sync, so you have to use CSV and they will be created as a User in Central. 




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