Firewall Management - New Group - Import config from X not working?

I have been trying to setup Firewall groups on central, then importing their configs from an existing firewall.  But It never seems to work, I sometimes see a notification that the config import failed??  I've tried this now several times over the last several weeks, but it always fails when trying to import the config??

Any ideas?? I'm assuming it uses the Central API over the management connection right, as the firewall is accessible from central, I can't see why the import also fails??


Parents Reply
  • So i was checking the Logs, i can access. The firewall uploads its .tar File (import/export) to Central. 
    Central tries to understand it.
    Sometimes it fails because there is a unexpected config. 

    In your example: It could be the following:

    1. Authentication Server --> Entra ID server has an invalid group filter? 
    2. One of the DNS Host entries is not valid. Could be the case, it is fragmented? Is your firewall "older" in terms of config? 
    3. One of your Local ACL Exception rules has a problem and is not understandable. 

    When i see such errors, most of the time it is caused by some kind of special characters. 

