Separate Admin DLP email alerts

We have a situation that's causing some annoyance with both our IT Engineers and our Information Governance staff, and its all to do with the DLP alerts to Admins when a user may be breaking our policies.

I've looked at the Custom Rules for Admin email alerts settings, but nothing in the "Product" or "Category" section seem to match what i would expect for DLP.

Does anyone know how to send just the DLP alerts to a certain list of admins, and stop them going to all admins?

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[edited by: GlennSen at 8:42 AM (GMT -7) on 3 Sep 2024]
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  • HI, yes we have done the above, so we get alerts, its just separating out who gets them that is the problem. Before coming here i did look at the guides on DLP email alerts and did via that method raise a suggestion for a way to separate out. I can not imagine i'm the only person with this issue as i wouldn't expect IT guys to be looking at possible GDPR issues, so yes I think a feature request is required.

  • I've associated this feature request to your organization in the Sophos Support Portal, this helps our teams gauge the interest in certain features from our customer base, so future development can be planned accordingly. This is logged as "CENFEAT-I-495". The current status on this request is "awaiting triage".

    If you'd like to follow up on the status of the feature request, you can reach out to your Sophos Account Manager/Account Rep. You can also inquire with Sophos Support for quick updates.

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
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