Slow Partner Central Login (5 to 15 min)

Hi All,

We are experiencing an issue where we are unable to get into the Partner Portal - Managed Sophos Central in a timely manner.

It stalls in bringing up the 2FA page and it can be anywhere from 2 to 15 min with the longer times timing out and the 2FA failing.

It's with all of our central logins, and from any computer, and any browser (and before you say it "Yes, i've cleared the browser cache")

Sophos has finally stated after 4 weeks with multiple calls, team members, and remote sessions, that the issue is on their side and referred me to the following link.

Advisory: Some partners may experience slower than usual logging into the Sophos Central Partner Dashboard

The workaround in my eye's is to just put up with it and persist.

Is anyone else suffering the same issue?

Does anyone else have a better workaround? e.g. Can we get the 2FA turned off temporarily to see if its the issue and leave it off until its fixed?

Really Desperate

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[edited by: Gladys at 7:33 AM (GMT -7) on 27 Jun 2023]
  • lol.. I wish.

    We had about a month of basically not being able to get into the Central Management dashboard. Basically, we were close to unable to manage our end customers. Imagin having an incident and not being able to work on it for say 20min, Sophos's own MDR training demonstrates the amount of havoc a virus or Hacker can cause in 20min. Also, when you needed to say add a device/ update a setting, having to just sit and wait to get access, and then having to charge the end customer for you to just sit and stare at a literal blank screen.

    Not fun.

    I had to have a tantrum to get them to take it seriously. Not what I wanted to do, but somehow its magically working now. 

    I guess it's a "thanks Sophos GES team" they may just not be morning people, and bad at letting the partner know what the issue was (Unless the scarier option is that it just fixed itself.......)

  • lol.. I wish.

    We had about a month of basically not being able to get into the Central Management dashboard. Basically, we were close to unable to manage our end customers. Imagin having an incident and not being able to work on it for say 20min, Sophos's own MDR training demonstrates the amount of havoc a virus or Hacker can cause in 20min. Also, when you needed to say add a device/ update a setting, having to just sit and wait to get access, and then having to charge the end customer for you to just sit and stare at a literal blank screen.

    Not fun.

    I had to have a tantrum to get them to take it seriously. Not what I wanted to do, but somehow its magically working now. 

    I guess it's a "thanks Sophos GES team" they may just not be morning people, and bad at letting the partner know what the issue was (Unless the scarier option is that it just fixed itself.......)

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