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PureMessage 3.13 not compatible with Sophos Central

Our company has started the upgrade to Sophos Central.  I manage the Exchange 2010 environment that is running PureMessage 3.13.  When I try to install the Sophos Enpoint Security client for Sophos Central, I get an alert stating that "Installation cannot continue".  the reason is "PureMessage for Exchange is installed".  I have since read KB 122157 that PureMessage for Exchange is not supported with Sophos Central.


What are my options at this point for my Exchange environment?



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  • Hello Greg,

    your PureMessage license is/was part of SESC or an Email Protection Advanced bundle?
    You can't manage Endpoint/AV on your PureMessage with Central so you'd have to run it is a "stand-alone" install.


  • Hello Greg,

    your PureMessage license is/was part of SESC or an Email Protection Advanced bundle?
    You can't manage Endpoint/AV on your PureMessage with Central so you'd have to run it is a "stand-alone" install.

