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What is the meaning of "Concurrent Connections" in 135 Data Sheet.

Hi Sophos Engineer and Architect

What is the meaning of Concurrent Connections under 135 Data Sheet..?

It says that it can handle 2Million!!

How do I interpret this data?

Thank you


Attached Screenshot for your reference

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  • Hi kunkka,

    It means the maximum number of concurrent tcp connection handled by the system.

    If you open a website, many concurrent tcp connections (not only one) are opened to view text, images or ads from the same or different servers.

    The maximum number depends on the operating system and the hardware (ram).




    Sophos Certified Architect (UTM + XG)

  • Hi,

    Concurrent means active back to back connections which fall in the established state of the TCP state table. A single source can have concurrent connections to different Website and applications.


    Sachin Gurung
    Team Lead | Sophos Technical Support
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