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Phish Threat - Training - font & background change possible?

Hi all, I´m now trying to create a Training Campaign only and I am missing a tools for changing the fonts and backgroun. It is very importnant for the customer. It should look as regularcompany-style email newsletter or so.

The email comming from the PhishThreat platform uses TimesNew Roman font and combination of white /grey background by default. I want to change it, please!

Is the WISYWIG editor present only for Attack Campaigns!?


Thank you in advance!




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  • Hi Patrik,

    It would be better to post your ideas and feature requests over on our Ideas web page:

    This way our Product Management team can view these and consider adding more and more features into the products based on customer's feedback.

    I understand your request, so please put that forward in the ideas page as the Training Campaign editor does not offer the same level as customisation as the Attack Campaigns. I presume that's because you're not trying to phish your employees with the email that gets sent out.  

    Many thanks,




  • Hi Byron, posted to the ideas page. Problem is, I can´t wait for developers like 2 months or more. Can we have a customisation of that email from your support dpt?

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