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Phish Threat - questions about "enabled makro" detection & statistics

Hi, how PhishThreat (PT) detects the user "enabled macro"?  I have downloaded the attached file, available in PhishThreat´s Attack Campaign and it seems to be without Macros. So How it works?

I´m using Attachement campaign - Training "Office Attachement" - Attack "Secure Document" (default)

I also can´t understand, when the user (victim) is enrolled to the training. The training just wont´start just by viewing / opening the attached document, so far as I have tfound out. I Tried the creation of new campaign many times.

It looks that the victim is enrolled right after he respond / answer to that phishing email. BUt That is not what I wanted/like. It should enroll him into training once he open the file (or override "secure view), because this is quite risky step.

 Also the statistics are changing quite slowly, sometimes more than hour since I opened the phishing email. 

Any suggestions or advise?


thank you in advance,



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