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Microsoft and Custom Templates

Is there any update on getting back Microsoft templates and Custom templates?

There is an article from Phish Threat V1 that explained how to upload custom templates: . Is there any updates on if this is coming to V2?

There was a post from around a year ago asking where the Microsoft templates went. The response given was: "We are working with Microsoft to re-enable these templates, but in the meantime, we're working on creating some generic versions of these templates." It has been over a year since this was brought up. Is there any updates on this? I can't be the only one disappointed that these templates disappeared.

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  • Totally agree.

    I've been using Phish Threat for years now and it's 'ok' but given the level of Crypto Malware going around it needs to be better.

    User education is so important and frankly I don't have the budget for external social engineering.

    If Sophos can just allow custom configuration over templates, so we can screen shot and add inputs I'd be happy to create my own targeted campaigns to my Users.

    Please can a Sophos moderator help with anything to move this product forward.

    Thank you,


  • I was able to get in contact with Sophos Support directly. It looks like we won't be getting Microsoft templates anytime soon... or ever.

    Here is what they told me: "I received some feedback from our team advising that the "Microsoft Templates" have been removed due to copyright issues. Our Product Management team is working directly with Microsoft to get these added back in, but it does not look very likely at this time."

    I didn't get a good answer about the custom templates. They just said it wasn't available in Phish Threat V2. I'm not sure what is stopping them from giving us back the ability to upload our own custom templates. The Microsoft issue sucks, but that makes sense. I would like to hear from a moderator about the custom template.

  • I was able to get in contact with Sophos Support directly. It looks like we won't be getting Microsoft templates anytime soon... or ever.

    Here is what they told me: "I received some feedback from our team advising that the "Microsoft Templates" have been removed due to copyright issues. Our Product Management team is working directly with Microsoft to get these added back in, but it does not look very likely at this time."

    I didn't get a good answer about the custom templates. They just said it wasn't available in Phish Threat V2. I'm not sure what is stopping them from giving us back the ability to upload our own custom templates. The Microsoft issue sucks, but that makes sense. I would like to hear from a moderator about the custom template.

  • Nice one

    Yeah I kinda understand the copyright thing but it's not helpful as you say.

    I'm assuming that when you refer to 'templates' you mean the gallery where you choose a featured (or not) attack. So Google, UPS etc don't have copyright issues then? I don't really you said it's not a good answer.

    Sophos just need to give us custom control and the problem goes away simple. 

    Sophos moderator please chime in.
