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When is a Phish Threat mail regarded as opened?


I initiated my first campaign with Phish Threat. 34 users got an email. Currently only 7 of them opened the email as displayed in the dashboard. But what does "open" mean? I also opened the email but did not click on the link so I would think that I should also appear in the dashboard in the list of users who opened the email. But the dashboard tells me I am only a receiver but never opened the mail.

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  • Hi,

    From what I can tell an end user has to physically click and open the email. If you have a preview fuction i.e. Outlook Reading Pane this doesn't count/register as Email Open.



  • This is what I thought but when I open the email it still is not reported as opened.

    But I am investigating an issue with a double user account in Sophos Central which I can't delete. Maybe this issue is raised by the double account.

    Regards, Jelle

    Sophos XG210-HA (SFOS 18.0.4) on SG210 appliances with Sandstorm and 1x AP55
    Sophos Central with Intercept X Advanced, Device Encryption, Phish Threat, Mobile Control Advanced

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  • This is what I thought but when I open the email it still is not reported as opened.

    But I am investigating an issue with a double user account in Sophos Central which I can't delete. Maybe this issue is raised by the double account.

    Regards, Jelle

    Sophos XG210-HA (SFOS 18.0.4) on SG210 appliances with Sandstorm and 1x AP55
    Sophos Central with Intercept X Advanced, Device Encryption, Phish Threat, Mobile Control Advanced

    If a post solves your question use the 'This helped me' link.

  • Could be. Yet, I've not come across anything like that so far.


    Assume you've checked the simple things.

    Email client version.


    Client side firewall

    How were the emails opened by the 7 ? etc.

  • All Outlook 2016 from Office 365. Client side firewall is turned off currently. All users have Sophos Endpoint and Intercept X installed with same rules.

    I did not talk to the users as this is the first test with Phish Threat. I'm going to "reveal" the test next week.

    Regards, Jelle

    Sophos XG210-HA (SFOS 18.0.4) on SG210 appliances with Sandstorm and 1x AP55
    Sophos Central with Intercept X Advanced, Device Encryption, Phish Threat, Mobile Control Advanced

    If a post solves your question use the 'This helped me' link.

  • Hi,


    Except for the O365. That's my setup too.

    The reveal is the way forward, did mine last week. The best way to get a proper end user baseline I think.

