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MTP/PTP blocking not allowing Apple devices to charge

I've found that this question has been asked before but I can't find a resolution.

We use MTP/PTP blocking on our network to prevent data transfer from a USB device to the PC. Since applying this block we have discovered it also prevents iPhones from charging via the USB port but other devices such as Android are still able to charge. Do you know if this is has been fixed, is likely to be fixed or whether there is a work around?


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  • Hello keiths,

    as you've read, not to charge is a decision the "other side" makes - thus it's not a question of allowing. In theory it should with a driver be possible to make a USB port appear as charging port but if you want to preserve its other functionality it's a chicken and egg problem. Even this could be overcome by simulating an unplug-plug sequence, this would be hardware-dependent though. Quite some effort to make it generally work and work reliably just to accommodate to a vendor's quirks. It'd probably cost Sophos less to give each affected user a power bank for free [:P]


  • Thanks again Christian, probably not worth us throwing too much effort at but food for thought.