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SEC 5.4 install

ok so gone to install SEC 5.4 and its telling me that i have encryption installed ???

now i thought ok maybe its the tamper protection the wasnt switched on but i reset it anyway. any ideas because im out. we dont use drive or any form of encryption on any of out computers.

thanks kurt.

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  • Hello Kurt,

    you've probably gone through the encryption dialog during a past install so this feature is installed. Whether you use Encryption or have ever used it or not doesn't matter, please simply follow Sophos Enterprise Console 5.4.0 - How to remove Encryption (note: Elevated command prompt! - and it might take a few minutes).


  • Hi christian

    ok i ran the tool but it has given me an error code of 2711 any ideas.


  • Hello Kurt,

    had it too. Tried once or twice, then decided to turn on logging (/LV .\RemEnc.log) - wasn't actually helpful on the first glance (said this feature - Encryption - doesn't exist). Opened a new elevated cmd window, cded right to the installer directory, copy-pasted the msiexec command and ... it did, just did. Afterwards the upgrade ran without problems.


  • Hi Christian

    so did switching on the logging help at all and no matter what i try i cant get this to run.


  • Hello Kurt,

    it wasn't the logging - turning it on does no harm though. Unfortunately I didn't keep the logs from the failures. 2711 means the feature could not be found in the Feature table - the table exists with two rows, Core and Encryption. Wonder if it has picked up the wrong package (this is something you could check). Recollecting my steps I had a look at the package with Orca and called msiexec while I had the package open. msiexec complained it could not lock the package, I think after closing Orca the next attempt succeeded. I can't see how that could have solved the issue though.


  • Hi christian

    well iv tryed and looked through the MSI and im still coming up a blank. iv got no clue as to why its not working but the MSI looks right to both me and one of my colleagues.


  • Hello Kurt,

    should've known that it's a good idea to keep the log with the error.
    You do have a log? It should name the correct .msi and its path (in my case C:\sec_530\Serverinstaller\) as source (though it's then using a cached copy). Is there anything suspicious before the 2711 error? Haven't checked the 5.4.0 .msi, there's probably no Encryption feature in there. Different path though, so the Installer shouldn't use the wrong one .... I'd try logoff/logon (you've probably done that already), restart the Installer service, reboot the server (if feasible).


  • Hi Kurt

    I had the same issue. I was able to fix it by installing dotNetFramework 4.5.2 from the C:\sec_540\ServerInstaller\pre-reqs\dotNetFramework folder


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